
Dragonflies class is one of our two Year 2 classes, where our children are in their final year of Key Stage 1.


During Year two, we aim to support the development of independence both academically and personally.  Children work hard in Year Two and they will become much more fluent in their reading and known facts related to number.  These are the building blocks for future learning and we value the support of parents to help develop fluency in reading, number bonds and times tables facts.  We have high expectations of our children but we also have large amounts of fun along the way!


On this page you will find lots of useful information about what we are up to in class, as well as how children's learning can be supported at home, both from a parent's perspective, as well as how children can learn independently at home in their spare time. We hope you find it useful.


  • Mrs Naomi Done

    Year 2 Teacher and PSHE Lead

  • Miss Lauren Price

    Teaching Assistant

Termly Topic:  PE This Half Term: Important Dates:
Science: Animals including humans
Geography: Continents
Tuesday: Gymnastics (Inside)
Friday: Fundamentals - Hands 1 (Outside)
Please come into school wearing suitable PE kit according to the school policy. Please note, P.E jumpers are now the purple school jumper.
Return to school: 
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 
The links below include exciting programmes to support our learning, which can be logged into at home using the children's provided usernames and passwords.