Who's Who?

  • Mrs Samantha Hill

    Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead


    I am lucky enough to be a person who loves their job! I get up in the morning and (early mornings aside) I look forward to coming to work at Oakmeadow – we have wonderful children at our school. Our pupils are bright, kind and they challenge us everyday with their curiosity.

    I have been fortunate enough to work with a range of year groups throughout my teaching career here and to have developed my skills within school to support our children on a wider scale. I am particularly enjoying this year in my role as Head Teacher – no two days are ever the same, and the opportunity to support with whole school development is incredibly rewarding.

    I have been involved with initiatives over recent years which have considerably developed my knowledge and skill base which I use to bring back to enhance the offer our children receive here at Oakmeadow. I am a Key stage 2 writing moderator and through this, as well as my role as an SLE for The English Hub, I have the privilege of visiting other settings to observe and support with practise elsewhere. I like nothing more than coming back to Oakmeadow though, to work with our wonderful committed staff and pupils.

  • Mrs Helen Morris

    Deputy Headteacher , SEND Coordinator and Designated Safeguarding Lead


    We have such wonderful children at Oakmeadow; they are a delight to work with, and they have a really positive attitude to learning. To work with amazing children and alongside such a dedicated team of staff is such a huge privilege. Oakmeadow has a such a wonderful learning environment in which the children thrive academically as well as socially and emotionally. The development of the whole child is vital and ensuring that we continue to create an environment where all our children can learn and grow is so important.
    Becoming a teacher is one of the best decisions I have made, and I have been fortunate enough to work in a range of year groups throughout my teaching career. In my new role as deputy head I am excited to lead and continue to support across a wider range of areas within school. My main experience to date, has been in leading our SEND and pastoral provision. I am passionate about providing an inclusive education which all our children deserve and where they frequently are given the opportunities to enable them to make continued progress and achieving their full potential. In addition to my existing responsibilities, having the opportunity to lead and support with the strategic development of our existing curriculum design, teacher development and CPD in addition to teaching and learning across the school is such a huge privilege for me.

  • Mrs Jo Griffiths

    Assistant Head, Reception Teacher, Phonics & Early Reading Lead

    This is my 12th year at Oakmeadow. I came into teaching later than most having had a career as a criminal solicitor for 14 years. I am often asked if I have any regrets about my career change, and I can honestly say no. It is a privilege to come to work with children who are all wonderful and inspiring in their own unique way. Their passion for learning makes me constantly strive to improve my own teaching. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to work across EYFS, KS1 and KS2, but am delighted to continue to develop our Early Years provision again this year. I am a firm believer that it is through developing a relationship of trust and providing engaging and motivating opportunities that help our children learn best. As a team, we embrace all our children and where they are on their journey each day without judgement, while believing that they can go anywhere tomorrow.

  • Mrs Laura Davis

    Reception Teacher & SMSC Lead

    Having worked with children and young people since leaving school at the age of 16 I couldn’t imagine doing anything else, no two days are the same and I look forward to each new day with 30 eager, happy children in my class. I was lucky enough to complete my PGCE at Oakmeadow in 2017 and have taught across EYFS and KS1 since becoming a teacher. Oakmeadow is a great school to work at and I continue to learn here every day from colleagues, parents and of course the children themselves. I love getting to know the individual children and their families and learning alongside them, watching them grow whilst making learning memorable and most importantly fun!

  • Mrs Philippa Powis

    Reception Teacher & Computing Lead

    This will be my fourth year teaching at Oakmeadow where I have taught in Year 1 and Reception. I feel extremely privileged to be teaching in such a caring school and to love what I do! I was lucky enough to love school because I had teachers who were supportive and I aim to emulate this with all the children I am lucky enough to meet. Witnessing children’s curiosity about the world is awe-inspiring. Their eyes light up as they explore, question, and make delightful discoveries. Whether it’s the wonder of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly or the excitement of decoding their first words, these moments remind me why I chose this path. Each day brings fresh challenges, pushing me to learn and adapt alongside my class. Teaching isn’t just about imparting knowledge; it’s about fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. Beyond the classroom, I cherish moments with my family and the laughter shared with friends.

  • Miss Jessica Allan

    Year 1 Teacher

    This year will be my 7th year of teaching and my 5th year teaching at Oakmeadow, and I haven’t looked back since! I also live in the village and love being part of a close knit community; where I have the fortunate job of supporting the development of the children of Bayston Hill. No two days are the same, and I relish the new opportunities and experiences the children bring each and every day. I am lucky to be part of such a supportive local network, where developing the ‘whole child’ is paramount. The children in our school are hard-working, healthy and most importantly, happy! Teaching younger children is a particular passion mine, and means my practise and expertise is constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of our children. Oakmeadow is a very special place to learn and teach, and our children are at the heart of everything we do.

  • Mrs Julie Marston

    Year 1 Teacher, Maths & Music Lead

    I have been teaching a number of years now and have experience across all age groups from EYFS up to year 6, but this year I am particularly delighted to be working alongside Miss Allan in Year One. My teaching career started in Hampshire, a few years before my husband and I returned to our home county of Shropshire in 2005. Our daughters have both attended Oakmeadow, and I also attended both Longmeadow and Oakland School as a child, so it feels very special to now be teaching here.
    My teaching career has seen me develop my passion for maths; I have led maths in previous teaching roles, have studied for a MA in Specialist Primary Mathematics and I also work for the Salop and Herefordshire Maths Hub as a ‘Teaching for Mastery’ Specialist. This allows me to support other schools to implement ideas and strategies used in countries which consistently achieve highly in maths. In 2017 I was privileged to have the amazing opportunity to go to China to find out more about the way they teach. This is a fascinating role and one which from which I continue to learn and strive to find new and exciting ways to inspire the pupils I teach.
    I also enjoy teaching music and playing the piano and love to see both the joy and calmness music can bring to children in the classroom. I love to spend time outdoors with my family (and dog!) and walking, travelling and exploring new places.

  • Miss Emma Stevenson

    Year 1 Teacher, DT and STEM lead

    I have been lucky enough to be a part of the Oakmeadow team since 2015. I have worn many hats in that time from teaching assistant to lunchtime supervisor, to wraparound lead and finally… teacher! I am grateful to have had the opportunity to train as a teacher whilst working as a teaching assistant, as I feel that this has given me invaluable experience and transferable skills which made the transition a smooth one.
    I have had experience of almost every year group, but I am excited to support children with their transition from reception into key stage one as a year 1 teacher.
    Outside of school, I enjoy visiting my friends and family, going on long walks in the Shropshire countryside, painting and looking after my many house plants!

  • Mrs Sarah Ryan

    Year 2 Teacher, Senior Mental Health Lead and RE Lead

    This year will be my fourth year teaching Year 2 at Oakmeadow, and I’m looking forward to it! I have taught in both the UK and abroad (in Qatar), and these diverse and valuable opportunities have given me a real insight into how every child is unique. It is so important to listen to and learn from each other’s experiences, beliefs and cultures.

    I love the challenges and rewards of teaching, and always aim to help the children be the best versions of themselves, while also trying to be the best I can be. As the RE lead, I believe it is essential for children to be able to ask big questions and start to develop their own way of thinking.

    Outside of school, I love reading, going for walks with my family, building Lego and practising piano. I also like to catch up with friends and family, which often involves tea and lots of biscuits!

  • Mrs Naomi Done

    Year 2 Teacher and PSHE/RSE Lead

    This year will be my sixth year at lovely Oakmeadow! I have felt unbelievably privileged to spend the last few years in such a wonderful school, where a unit of staff and children strive to go above and beyond each and every day for each other. Some of you may know me from teaching in year 3 in Foxes class initially for two years! However, more recently I have taught in Year 2. I was super excited to be starting a new adventure in year 2 with my fabulous Dragonflies class. I have had a few fantastic years filled with learning and laughter. Outside of school, most of you know by now that I love spending time with my horses and taking part in competitions with them involving dressage and show jumping and have done since four years old. I also enjoy spending time in the outdoors and like bringing this into my teaching. As the PSHE lead, I’m extremely passionate about health and well being and look forward to how this will continue to evolve and grow in Oakmeadow.

  • Mr Edward Weaver

    Year 3 Teacher and MFL lead

    This is my third year of teaching and I also trained here too so I know how supportive this school can be. I am now the MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) which is very exciting. We will focus on French as this is the language most of our local secondary schools teach.

    It excites me to continue to work in such a forward thinking school, alongside great staff, children and parents; being part of a wonderful and close-knit village.

    Outside of school I am especially keen on cycling and football. You may catch me cycling through the quarry or playing 5-a-side by the football ground. Once or twice a fortnight you’ll catch me one step closer, inside the ground, unfortunately not on the pitch (I’m not as good at 11-a-side!) but in the stands cheering Shrewsbury Town on!

  • Miss Ellie Pearce

    Year 3 Teacher

    Working with children has been where my passion lies since leaving school! After working in a nursery for 7 years a natural progression for me was to continue my career with children in school. After joining Oakmeadow in 2022 as a HLTA I was lucky enough to be supported by the school to complete my teacher training. I feel extremely privileged and fortunate to have trained as a teacher alongside such a supportive and inspiring staff team at Oakmeadow. I am only at the very start of my teaching career but I am excited to continue to learn alongside supporting the development of children by encouraging them to strive!
    Outside of school I enjoy spending time with friends and family. Weekends are usually spent exploring the beautiful Shropshire countryside and finding a new recipe to try in the kitchen!

  • Mrs Rebecca Neill

    Year 4 Teacher & Art Lead

    Firstly, I am delighted to have the opportunity to be a member of the Oakmeadow team and I cannot wait to see where our journey together will take us. At Oakmeadow, our children are unique individuals and their enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge is why I give my very best every day. As teachers, I believe we have the privileged role of inspiring children’s learning, encouraging them to challenge and investigate the world, so that they can become independent thinkers who are positive members of society.

    With a passion for creativity, I studied Fine Art at the University of Loughborough as I initially thought that I would like to become an art therapist. However, when studying for my degree, I volunteered at a local primary school and this experience confirmed my resolve to become a Primary school teacher.

    I started my teaching career in my home city of Derby where I taught in an inner-city school for 5 years. This will be my eighth year of teaching and my third year of teaching in Shrewsbury, after relocating. My primary teaching experience is extensive, and since starting as an NQT, I have been a class teacher in the full range of KS2 and KS1 classes, including year 6 together with experience of SEND classes.

    When not at school, you will find me dancing, exercising, singing (always), relaxing with my art and music and, of course, enjoying all things Disney.

  • Miss Charlotte Gries

    Year 4 Teacher, Teaching & Learning Lead and Geography Lead

    This is my fifth year at Oakmeadow and I feel privilege to work as part of such a supportive and caring team. I am really enjoying the start of my career as a class teacher and am excited to see what the future holds. As a teacher, I am continually fueled by my passion for nurturing and inspiring young minds.

    For the last few years, I have been Geography lead across school, which I am immensely passionate about. Teaching children about the world we live in and how they can work to protect it is so important, now more than ever. Geography is the key to our future and will be at the forefront of the younger generations who will be driving the battle against climate change.

    Our learning journey never stops, even as adults, which is why this year I have also taken on an additional role across school. As teaching and learning lead, I will be working to support the development of teaching and learning strategies across all phases. I am delighted to be working on a project across the whole school which will have a positive impact on the learning experience for all of our children as their experience maters the most to us at Oakmeadow.

    In my spare time, I am an avid cinema-goer and relish the magic of the big screen (the popcorn is a bonus!) When not at the movies, I enjoy gathering around the table for a board game or Lego building session. But above all, my heart lies with my family, who I love spending time with, creating lasting memories.

  • Miss Milly Davies

    Year 5 Teacher, Deputy SENDCO, Designated LAC Lead, Science and STEM Lead & Staff Governor

    I have loved my time working at Oakmeadow and I am thrilled with the wonderful opportunities I have been given. Being a class teacher is truly a role like no other and spending every day with amazing children makes my job a special one. As Deputy SENDCo, I work alongside Mrs Morris in supporting and leading SEND provision across the school. I am so excited to work in this new capacity and spend time with all of the wonderful children across the years. I believe that all children have the right to a high quality education, feeling included and welcomed by all.
    I currently lead Science across the school, which is an area I truly feel passionate towards. I have loved working on and developing this subject area and I am now focused on developing our STEM curriculum through the PSQM.
    I spent my childhood growing up surrounded by gorgeous countryside on the outskirts of our town. Recently, I moved into the wonderful village of Bayston Hilll! I live here with my partner and our gorgeous cockapoo, Nala.
    I am the current staff governor for Oakmeadow, where I take link governor responsibility for Early Years and Wellbeing. I feel truly lucky to hold such a role within the school and being able to see and be part of how the school continues to grow and progress.
    I believe that continuous learning is so important for everyone, including adults. I recently gained my Masters Degree in Education Leadership and Management alongside working at Oakmeadow. Having graduated from my Bachelor's degree in 2020, I wanted to continue my educational journey and I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge gained with the Oakmeadow team. I have now completed my NPQ in Leading Teaching and will be starting my NPQ for Senior Leadership in the Spring term. I am looking forward to continue learning more and using this key knowledge within my roles across school.

  • Mr Sam Ostermeyer

    Year 5 Teacher; Holistic Health and Wellbeing Lead; P.E. Lead.

    This year will be my 12th year in teaching, of which this will be my 10th year teaching in year 6. Originally hailing from Stafford, I studied History and Philosophy as my undergraduate degree at the University of Leeds. I then moved into business and commerce, working at a quantity surveyor in the construction industry, before deciding that I wanted to try my hand at teaching. I returned to the University of Leeds to undertake my PGCE in 5-11 Primary Education, qualifying in 2011 before accepting my first teaching job in Telford. I moved to Oakmeadow Primary for the start of the 2014-15 academic year, and haven't looked back since. I really enjoy the challenge of leading and developing the subject of Physical Education, and am excited by what we have achieved so far in my tenure, as well as the journey that remains ahead as we look to further develop an active and innovative curriculum that will equip our children for life in the 21st century. This year, I am having a strategic role at school which concerns holistic health and wellbeing; how the four pillars of health contribute to a happy and healthy child at our school, ready to learn. Please see the P.E. subject page for more on this.

  • Mr Jakub Bocian

    Year 6 Teacher and History Lead

    This year is my first year teaching at Oakmeadow CE Primary School. My teaching career started in Southall (large suburban town in west London) where I have had experience of almost every year group in Key Stage 2 including last four years in Year 6. My favourite subject to teach is history followed closely by mathematics and English.
    In my opinion, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing my students succeeds on daily basis. It is absolutely amazing to witness the progress and growth of children in my class as they learn and develop new skills which can be a source of great pride and satisfaction.
    Outside of school, I am especially keen on spending time with my family while enjoying long walks in stunning Shropshire countryside. Furthermore, I enjoy any forms of physical activities including playing 5-a-side football and basketball. In the evenings, there is nothing better than good action or comedy movie and interesting book to read!

  • Mr Gavin Dick

    Year 6 Teacher & English Lead

    I have always loved my time in school and teaching seemed to be the logical step for me when I left High School. Since qualifying in 2010, graduating from the University of Cumbria, I have been fortunate enough to teach across the majority of year groups in a variety of local authorities; starting in Cumbria before moving to Telford and Wrekin, Walsall and now Shropshire. During this time, I have led on a variety of subject areas, ranging from PE and Music to Science and now English. I am very excited to be part of the team at Oakmeadow and be part of the amazing learning journey that the children get to experience here.

    I have always been, and continue to be, passionate about travelling and have thoroughly enjoyed inspiring children with the wonders of the wider world. My experiences working with children in different countries across the world has helped shape who I want to be as a teacher.

    No matter what the sport, I love to give anything a go. Growing up, football was the be all and end all for me, but now I like to try my hand at anything. I love coaching children to be the best they can be and take great satisfaction in seeing our learners meet their goals, whether that be in or outside of the classroom.

    Since moving to Shropshire, I have grown to love the great outdoors and can often be found roaming the Shropshire Hills during the holidays. I love to find new places to explore, whether it be in the countryside or a city I haven’t been to before. My curiosity to find new experiences is something I hope to transfer to any pupils that I am fortunate enough to work with.