
Welcome to Robins Class
Robins class is one of two Year 4 classes, the other being Hedgehogs. We work closely together to provide a curriculum of rich learning opportunities and to prepare pupils for Upper Key Stage 2. In Lower Key Stage 2, the children are encouraged to become more independent in all areas of their learning and school life. 

On this page you will find more information about learning experiences and useful links. Please visit our class page frequently as it will be updated on a regular basis so that you are able to access information to support your child as well as being kept up to date on all the forthcoming events your child may be involved in.


In Year 4, children are expected to be reading, practising spellings and times tables at home daily, and will be given additional homework which links in with either Topic, English or Maths. If children are struggling with their homework they are encouraged to speak to myself before it is due in so that they can be supported to complete it. 


We hope you find this page informative but if there is something you feel we are missing please bring it to our attention.


Take Care

Miss Gries

  • Miss Sally Page

    Learning Support Assistant

Termly Topic PE Days & Activities Important Dates
Volts and Vibrations (Science Driver)
Our P.E. will be taking place both indoors and outdoors this half term.
Please send your child into school wearing a suitable P.E. Kit on the days they have P.E.
Monday - Netball
Wednesday - Dance
Check out some of the learning in year 4 from last year!!
Below you can download supporting documents which will help with supporting your child's learning at home.
The links below include another way we share our learning with the world via our class blog.  We also use core interactive and exciting programmes to support our learning, which can be logged into at home using the children's provided usernames and passwords.