Mrs Philippa Powis
Reception Teacher
Mrs Paula Higgins
Learning Assistant
Mrs Sharon Bennett
Level 3 SEN Learning Assistant
Monday - Wednesday
Mrs Elizabeth Swain
Learning Assistant
Thursday & Friday
Welcome to Grasshoppers!
We are so proud of the way your children have settled into school and their new routines so well. They are all building positive relationships with staff and peers and have developed the confidence to share their interests and needs with us throughout the day.
Our new topic for Spring 1 is 'People who help us'. In this topic the children will explore a range of professions and develop their understanding of the lives of people around them and their roles in society. We will use the text 'Look Inside Jobs' to understand the variety of professions and develop this further by inviting adults into school to talk about their lives and experiences with the children.
Our Forest Fun sessions will resume this half term as we use the time to focus on understand the world. At every opportunity we seek to encourage the children to be creative, collaborative and curious about their learning and we will continue to encourage the children to access our outdoor provision, so please make sure they have a warm coat and a pair of wellies in school every day.
Talk time will continue to be a daily highlight, so please continue to send in photos on Seesaw for the children to share with the whole class. They are a wonderful prompt to develop everyone's communication and language as well as an opportunity for us to develop our relationships with your children further.
If you have any questions please contact us as we are happy to help.
Topic: | PE this half term: | Important Dates: |
People Who Help Us |
Jungle Journey - Friday (Indoors)
Please come into school on this day wearing suitable PE kit according to the school policy. Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled.
Forest Fun
Grasshoppers and Bumblebees will alternate on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies on the rack at school. We will provide each child with a puddle suit.
Monday 6th January - children back to school.
All children now have a reading packet. This consists of a reading book, reading record, phoneme mat and phase 2 phonics words that are not yet decodable. Please read with your child every day. We can not overstate the impact that this will have on your child's progress. We have already held our Early Reading & Writing Workshops for carers. If you missed these or would like a refresher, please don't hesitate to let us know and we will happily plan a time to share how we teach your child to read and the strategies we would like you to use at home to support them.
All reading packs need to be brought to school every day. We will listen to your child read on a 1:1 basis across the week and will change their reading book once they are fluent. Your child will need support to recognise and articulate the phonemes to start. The phoneme mat we have included has an image for each grapheme which will help prompt them. We have uploaded the videos of actions for these onto our class website pages. The inside cover of their reading book has helpful information to share with your child before reading the book. Please encourage them to sound out and blend unfamiliar words when they need to, and then encourage them to re-read each sentence without decoding to build up their fluency. If you feel your child is ready for a new book, please don't hesitate to let us know so we can change them on a regular basis.
The phase 2 words on a fan are to gradually learn. They won't yet be fully decodable for your child. Encourage them to spot the aspects that they can decode before discussing how we articulate the rest of the word. We would expect your child to be able to read all of these words fluently by the end of the Autumn term.
The phoneme mat is to support your child when they are writing at home. (The images also help in remembering the phoneme/grapheme.) We teach phase 2 in the Autumn term and phase 3 in the Spring term. They are produced in the writing font we teach the children in school and are a useful model for their letter formation when writing lists, notes, cards etc. at home.
We are more than happy to have a chat with you about your child. Please feel free to come and see us whenever you need. If we can’t chat at the time, we will make arrangements so that we can do so as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.