
Computing - The Oakmeadow Way

At Oakmeadow, we recognise that every child is a unique individual, with their own interests, passions, and potential. Our computing curriculum is designed to ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and equip children with essential skills for the digital age. We believe that computing is not just about coding or using devices; it is about enabling our children to 'live life in all its fullness' (John 10:10).

Through our computing education, we empower children to be responsible digital citizens who can navigate the digital landscape confidently and respectfully. Computing opens doors to diverse ideas, cultures, and experiences. By providing access to information, communication tools, and collaborative platforms, we broaden our children’s experiences. Computing becomes a tool for learning, problem solving, and self-expression. Children apply their computing knowledge and skills to real world challenges, whether it is designing a website, programming a robot, or analysing data. Our goal is to equip students with the confidence and capability to use computing throughout their lives. Whether they pursue careers in technology or other fields, they will have the skills to adapt, innovate, and contribute positively. We believe that computing should empower our children to embrace life’s opportunities, challenges, and wonders. Together, we prepare them for a future where technology is both a tool and an adventure.

We are fortunate at our school to have a wide range of technology to inspire, motivate and stimulate learning in all subjects alongside securing core and discrete computing skills.  Banks of iPads are available on a daily basis for children to access, as well as computers being present in all classrooms to support learning.  We also collaborate with local experts and advisers to create stimulating opportunities for our children, whilst ensuring that the use of systems and technology is carried out in a suitable, thoughtful, and above all, safe manner.

  • Mrs Powis

    Computing Lead

Computing at Oakmeadow
Please refer to the following documents to explore how we teach computing at Oakmeadow.
We deliver our computing curriculum foci of computer science and information technologies through the excellent teaching units provided by the National Centre for Computing Education and STEM learning.  Our teaching of digital literacy will be delivered using the resources from the document, Education for a Connected World and Project Evolve, which will be delivered regularly outside of hands-on computing lessons; this way we will keep the importance of eSafety and its influence on Children's health and wellbeing at the fore of what we do.
Progression Documents
Digital Leaders
We believe it is important for our children to drive their learning and follow their passions. We have several Digital Leaders who apply for the position in Year 6. The Digital Leaders promote E-Safety across the school and are role models to others for being responsible digital citizens. They also have the opportunity to share their knowledge with the younger year groups. The Digital Leaders support computing lessons each half term across the school. They also support other year groups and teachers who ask for support. This is a great way for them to develop their leadership skills and share a passion for computing with others. 
Coding Club
This Autumn we have started our coding club for KS1. Within this we have explored lots of different aspects of computing and used various resources. We have loved exploring digital painting and digital music! We have created algorithms for many robots. Have a look at our work!
We work closely with Richard Smith of AmazingICT to develop coding opportunities in our school.  We have over 40 microbits of our own to explore this in STEM subjects as well as in our computing curriculum.