Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge

Science Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge
At the core of scientific expertise lies extensive, connected knowledge. This means that it is crucial that children know more, and remember more, as they make connections throughout their primary years. A useful framework for constructing a meaningful scientific curriculum makes the distinction between the following:
Substantive Knowledge: Knowledge of the products of Science, such as concepts, laws, theories and models. This is referred to as scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding in the national curriculum. 
Disciplinary Knowledge: Knowledge of how scientific knowledge is generated and grows. This is specified in the 'working scientifically' sections of the national curriculum and it includes knowing how to carry out practical procedures. 
Taken from the Research Review Series: Science
(GOV.UK, 2021)
Our curriculum is carefully sequenced to ensure that all children receive a progressive science offer. All of our children achieve well in science, as teachers have an excellent understanding of how substantive knowledge progresses through topics, and across the primary age phrase. See some of our substantive knowledge grids below:
Disciplinary knowledge is incredibly important within our science curriculum. We understand that children need to learn the fundamental principles to work scientifically, and be able to discover phenomena in their own way. Our children are exposed to a wealth of practical science, ensuring that their disciplinary knowledge continue to progress through the key stages.