Developing active lives and wider wellbeing

In today's technological-influenced world, and as members of the Children's Health Project, we educate our children in developing understanding of the importance of leading a physical and active lifestyle which contributes to a positive and healthy physical and mental well-being of the whole-self. On a daily basis, and throughout the year, we take part in a range of initiatives which help our children to meet the Active 30:30 as promoted by both the Chief Medical Officer and the Youth Sports Trust.
We are always striving to make our school as active as it can be.  Over the last two years, we have worked with Energize, the local active partnership, in taking part in the Creating Active Schools partnership.  Our classes also take part in regular FIT15 sessions as part of the school day so we can help all of our children meet the active 30:30 goal.

Our children play a key part in developing our healthy, active offer.  We offer leadership opportunities through the position of movement mentors who are responsible for working with our trained staff at break and lunchtimes to increase levels of participation and enjoyment.
Following professional training, our lunchtimes are organised into 'zones', with different staff leading a rotation of activities daily, according to levels of intensity.  As part of our revamped House System, our Movement Mentors also run daily personal challenges, where children can challenge themselves in different ways whilst earning points for their House.
Of course, active movement is just one of the four pillars of Children's health, and alongside this at lunchtimes, we also encourage children to undertake activities focused on the other key pillars of Healthy Eating, Healthy Thoughts and Healthy Habits.  In different focus areas, we have plans to provide opportunities for children to play in traditional games, sing or act on our outdoor stage, and get at one with nature in our Enchanted Oaks area.  Lunchtimes are a key part of our day in learning what it means to be healthy!